November Update

Manson’s Hall will operate the Friday Market on Nov 20, 2020 as usual, but ongoing openings of the Market will be decided week by week, depending on the BC Ministry of Health announcements of restrictions, and posted on Tideline and on our website.

Going forward, the board will continue to make decisions regarding the operating of the programs and events at the hall based on Dr. Bonnie Henry’s advice.

We require the use of masks in the hall.

Thank you,
SCCA Board

AGM on Zoom Thursday December 3, 2020 at 7:00 pm


Come and join us on Zoom on Thursday December 3, 2020 at 7 pm. We will hold our first virtual AGM!

The link to the call:

Join Zoom Meeting

All materials are in 2 articles on the Tideline:

Please update you membership here on the website.

Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!

COVID-19 Policies at Manson’s Hall

The SCCA Board of Directors are following the guidelines of Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer,  in the management of the hall.

As of October 27th, it is expected that masks be worn in public buildings. Manson’s Hall is now asking adults to use a mask when they come into the building. This includes attendance at the Friday Market. The staff are not in a position to debate these rules with the public. Everyone has a right to decide whether to comply with the rule or not. There are consequences to all our actions. The consequence of not wearing a mask is not being allowed in the hall. Please write to the board if you would like to discuss the matter further.

Masks are not required in Playschool by either children or staff, according to an Island Health directive.

Thanks for your understanding as we navigate our first winter under these unprecedented circumstances.

Summer Youth Program 2020

We are pleased to announce that we will be having a Summer Youth Program after all! We are late getting the brochure out due to the current pandemic situation. We now have a COVID – 19 Safety Plan in place and will be following the government guidelines for safety. Our program is modified due to time and COVID – 19 constraints.

Registration will begin on Monday June 29th. Check out our offerings here Summer Youth 2020 Brochure . Register here when you are ready.

The program will be by registration only, we are unable to accommodate drop ins. You can register online, or call the office 250-935-0015. Leave us a message and we will return your call.

Children attending the program must be healthy. Sick kids will be sent home. We will refund your money if your child is ill and can’t attend. This program is open to BC residents, and those from elsewhere who have been in quarantine for 14 days.


Friday Market is Back!

We will re-open the Friday Market on May 29, 2020. The market will be for food vendors only. We will have both inside and outside (weather depending) vendors. There will be COVID -19 protocols in place, with lining up at 6 foot intervals and one way traffic through the market. Hand sanitizer will be available. Please leave your children and pets at home. Looking forward to farm fresh veggies and freshly made food! See you there.