Our Sponsors

Sponsors of the Southern Cortes Community Association support our community in countless ways. The SCCA recognizes and gives thanks, in no particular order, for all financial assistance, great or small.

  • Tides Canada
  • Coastal Community Credit Union for the Quadra Legacy Fund
  • Strathcona Regional District for Grant-in-Aid
  • Watson Family Foundation
  • New Horizons for Seniors Programs

Also, the SCCA acknowledges the financial assistance of the province of British Columbia through the Community Gaming Grant.

Donations enable the Southern Cortes Community Association to continue its operations and programming. Substantial local donations have helped to make many improvements to Manson’s Hall possible, such as the entryway, bathrooms, a new bar area in the main hall, plus new flooring, tables and chairs in the Pioneer Room.

Local businesses have also been invaluable at the SCCA’s annual events. Every year, Hollyhock and Quadra Builders sponsor Cortes Day by providing a delicious fresh salad and building supplies for the Nail, Sail and Bail, respectively. At the annual Community Dinner, Cortes Market, the Cortes Natural Food Coop and Squirrel Cove Store donate food for the meal.

There are also many quiet donors who anonymously provide the funds, materials, time and supplies necessary to keep the momentum going in various projects, renovations, administration and programming.

The SCCA thanks everyone for their contributions to the community efforts.