Kitchen Renovation Underway

We are pleased to report to the community that so far, $63,000 has been raised through generous donations from the community, as well as grants. Our budget goal is $131,000.00 to renovate and fully equip a modern, to code, health-approved kitchen.

Costs include basic renovation, expansion of the footprint, new electrical wiring, flooring, stove, dishwasher, convection oven, cold table, small appliances,  refrigeration, stainless steel canopy and exhaust system. Included in the budget are also dishes, small wares, pots and pans, cash register etc.

The Board has given approval to commence Phase 1 in mid July, consisting primarily of opening up the area, levelling the floor and new subflooring, installation of a 200amp panel and power supply and new skylight (that doesn’t leak!).

Over the summer months the final plan will be developed, go for approval by VIHA and we will begin equipment purchasing.

We plan to start installing equipment and fixtures in the fall, depending on the success of fundraising efforts over the summer.

Our grants are primarily “matching funds” so every dollar donated privately is matched by the granting agency.

The SCCA is a Registered Charity and a tax-deductible receipt will be provided for all donations on request.

In the past, the kitchen was leased to private operators. Our new “Community Kitchen” is intended to provide food services that benefit Islanders and support SCCA programs:

The cafe will be open for morning coffee and baked treats.

Monday: Seniors Day.

Weekly lunches specials on a cost-recovery/break even basis, offering a fixed-price low-cost lunch menu for our Seniors. Later we hope to offer “heat ‘n serve” pre-packaged dinners, and eventually a program similar to Meals-on-wheels for housebound Elders.

Younger folks are welcome to eat too, with a regular-priced menu.

Wednesday: Family Day.

Featuring a children’s menu. All revenues will go to support the Playschool and children’s programs.

Friday: Market Day

Full-service menu, bringing back the legendary burritos, grilled sandwiches and great desserts.

Proceeds to support SCCA operations.

In addition to cafe-style food service, the Board intends to integrate the kitchen into community life, as follows:

-Community Organization Fundraising: facility rental to local groups for fundraising lunches and dinners.

-Special Event catering facility: including fundraisers, Community meals (ie Xmas dinner), and rental for weddings, celebrations etc.

-Youth: provide job experience, education credits and skills training.

-Education: through local learning institutions, food preparation, canning and cooking classes.

-Market Vendors and local food producers: rental of certified kitchen for preparation of food for retail sale and private label food products.

This exciting addition to the Hall services is dependent on community support, please help us to realize the vision and make a donation today!

With thanks from the Kitchen Committee, and the SCCA Board.


Cortes Island Playschool: Teachers & Registration

The Cortes Island Playschool is pleased to announce our new teaching team for the 2014/2015 year. We have Hired Jen Stevens as the lead teacher, and Alanah Caron as the assistant teacher.

Jen Stevens has worked as an ECE teacher on Vancouver Island for the past eight years. In 2004 she completed her diploma program at VIU in Nanaimo and Waldorf Early Childhood training through the West coast Institute for studies in Anthroposophy. Jen is excited about working as the lead teacher at the Playschool this year.

Alanah Caron has worked as a Waldorf assistant and is in the process of becoming a certified ECE assistant. Alanah brings her warm and gentle nature to the playschool and looks forward to helping create a nature based, magical environment for the children.

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The playschool hours will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The fee is $160.00 per month. Classes will begin on Tuesday September 9th at 10:00 am. Come in to the Manson’s Hall office Mon/Wed/Fri 11:00 am – 4:00 pm to register your child.. Talk to Mary in the hall office if you need a subsidy. Office closed Mon Sep 1 for the holiday.

Cortes Island Playschool Employment Opportunity

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The Cortes Island Playschool, operated by the SCCA, has an opening for an experienced teacher (ECE certified) AND an assistant (ECE assistant), starting September 2014. Hours will be Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am – 2pm.

We want the program to be:

• Child-centred;

• Play-centred;

• Nature/Arts/Music/Movement-based

• Inclusive

Skill set:

• Phenomenal interpersonal skills. Able to communicate effectively with children, parents, Manson’s Hall Manager and the SCCA Board.

• Depth of experience with young children.

• Ability to create a strong daily rhythm while maintaining flexibility

• Strong organizational skills.

• Ability to meet each child’s developmental stage.

• Ability to gently teach literacy, numeracy and other pre-school learning objectives within the context of play, nature, and the arts.

• Ability to create a compassionate environment, supporting healthy peer interactions among children.

• Ability to create an attractive program for children and parents.

Please send cover letter noting the position(s) you are interested in, resumé and phone numbers for 2 references by Friday, August 8th to or mail to Cortes Island Playschool, Box 222, Manson’s Landing, BC, V0P 1K0. Only applicants selected for interview will be contacted.

New! Permaculture Workshops added to the Summer Youth Program

Permaculture for Kids with Maria McKenty & guest

*Presented by Lakehouse Learning Society & FOCI

Permaculture is a way of seeing and thinking that reveals the beauty, balance and patterns in the natural world. Come and explore these principles through fun indoor and outdoor activities like nature walks, drawings, outdoor games, and much more! See these patterns in action in different natural ecosystems and how they relate to human habitats here on Cortes. This course will be lead by Maria McKenty, an experienced and enthusiastic permaculturist.

*Lakehouse Learning Society is a local society that runs democratic education programs on Cortes Island. Friends of Cortes Island is a charitable society that promotes awareness and respect for the earth and its people throughout Cortes Island and beyond. All registration proceeds go towards reducing tuition for Lakehouse Society’s programs.

 Kids ages 8-12

Minimum 6 registrants max 12

Cost= $50

2 day program

Saturday July 26 – 1-4PM

Sunday July 27 – 10AM-3PM

Lakehouse (old library room at Manson’s Hall). The main entrance is from the parking lot level.

 Permaculture Foundations with Maria McKenty & guest

*Presented by Lakehouse Learning Society & FOCI

 Permaculture is a way of seeing and thinking that reveals the beauty, balance and patterns in the natural world. Come explore the basic principles and prime concepts. Discover how using succession, stacking, guilds, optimized edge, and energy networks give us a toolkit for creating gardens, farm, homesteads, businesses and communities that are regenerative, resilient and sustainable. This course will be lead by Maria McKenty, an experienced and enthusiastic permaculturist.
 *Lakehouse Learning Society is a local society that runs democratic education programs on Cortes Island. Friends of Cortes Island is a charitable society that promotes awareness and respect for the earth and its people throughout Cortes Island and beyond. All registration proceeds go towards reducing tuition for Lakehouse Society’s programs.

Kids ages 13 and up

Minimum 6 registrants . max 12

Cost = $50

Type – 2 day program

Friday July 25 – 10AM-3PM

Saturday July 26 – 10AM – noon

Lakehouse (old library room at Manson’s Hall). The main entrance is from the parking lot level.