November 2022 Board Update

A lot’s happening at the Hall this November.
Here are some highights.

Cortes Community Cafe
Coffee’s on!
Join Julie and Sandy as they serve up breakfast and lunch in the very social Mansons Hall Community Cafe.

Mondays and Wednesdays
7am to 2pm

The Playschool program is expanding from 2 to 4 days a week. Here’s a letter that Tammy Collingwood (Interim Operations Manager) sent to parents and caregivers last week.

tammy collingwood playschool update nov 2022

November Board Meeting

Tammy Collingwood stepped off the board in October to take on the role of Interim Operations Manager. We will be formally posting the position in the new year.
This was Bryan McKinnon’s first meeting as Board Chair.
SCCA Board Minutes 8-Nov-2022

Thrift Store

The board unanimously voted to continue investing in the Thrift Store. A proposal to convert the space to a rental space (Literacy Centre) was rejected. We feel the Thrift Store is a one of kind community asset.
If you love the Thrift Store we need volunteers!

Cortes Island Seniors Society & Mansons Hall

Members from CISS met with Board Chair, Bryan McKinnon, and the SCCA’s new Bookkeeper, Melissa Lenos (King Business Solutions). The discussion focused on the history of CISS and Mansons Hall, how the two organizations can work closer together next year, negotiating our annual fees, and preparing for the upcoming General Meeting to approve the 2023 SRD Core Funding Budget.


The SCCA invites you to attend their AGM on Sunday December 5, 2021 at 2pm in person at Manson’s Hall. Due to Covid-19 Public Health Orders, the AGM will be limited to 50 people and masks will be required. Preregistration is necessary and proof of vaccination is not required.

To preregister, click the link below, or send an email to

We will start with a General Meeting to approve the 5 Year Operational Budget for Core Funding, and ask for approval to change our fiscal year to be Jan 1 – Dec 31.  This will assist us in being in line with the way the SRD asks us to report our finances and budgets. Currently our fiscal year is Apr 1 – Mar 31, which means we are currently needing to create two sets of financials. After concluding this meeting we will move directly to the AGM business.

At the AGM we will be giving reports on the past financial year, electing the Board of Directors, and bringing you up to date on current changes to our organization.

You can become a member or renew your membership once you are registered for the AGM, but must be a member for 30 days prior to the meeting in order to vote.

Dr. Bonnie Henry Updates

May Update, May 25 – June 15, some restrictions have been lifted. We can now offer yoga classes again! Inside organized meetings of up to 10 people are allowed. We continue to wear masks while in the building.

April Update, continuing with the circuit breaker until May 25, 2021.

March Update, there is a Circuit Breaker lock down from March 30, 2021 – April 19, 2021

All exercise classes are cancelled. No yoga until after April 19th.

For the Friday Market, food and plants can be sold indoors, any other products must be sold outdoors.

* Update, the lock down is now in effect until February 5, 2021 *

We have some sad news to deliver.

The shut down of events and gatherings will be in place until January 8, 2021.

Here is an except from the order, as it pertains to Manson’s Hall.

As per the oral order of November 19th, all events are suspended until January 8th. Events are defined as in-person gatherings in any place whether private or public, inside or outside, organized or not, on a one-time, regular or irregular basis. Some named examples include events, meetings and conferences, parties or celebrations, receptions, shows, fund raising benefits, and live solo or band musical performances. Only support group meetings, weddings, baptisms, funerals, and programs/sports for children and youth are currently permitted as gatherings, and where those gatherings occur, they must be in full compliance with the order.

Order restrictions that may directly impact your operation are as follows:
· Holiday parties, receptions, staff gatherings, family gatherings and any other celebrations must be suspended.
· All entertainment, such as trivia and bingo, is suspended.
· No person may permit a place to be used to host receptions before or after a permitted event (e.g. support group meeting, wedding, baptism, or funeral).
· Perimeter seating vehicles (e.g. party busses) require 2m physical distancing between patrons who do not reside together, and must not operate between 11PM and 6AM.

There has also been a cancellation of craft markets, which are considered events. As such, we will not be holding the December 19th outdoor market.

The hall is still open to tenants and we can keep the playschool running.

Stay safe everyone, and please be kind to each other.

Dr. Bonnie Henry Update Nov 19, 2020

After today’s announcement by Dr. Bonnie Henry, we will be shutting down the hall for the next two weeks. However, as our food vendors have already prepared, we will be opening the Friday Market tomorrow for food only. We will be limiting the number of people (more than before) and limiting the time that they spend in the hall. Doors will be open at noon.
The playschool will continue to operate during this time. We are so sad to be taking this step, and hope to be able to meet again in two weeks.